Vision: ASAN envisions a thriving sustainable food system in Alabama.

Mission: ASAN coordinates knowledge sharing, builds resources, and strengthens networks of sustainable farmers and local food advocates to deepen relationships between the people of Alabama, the food we eat, and the land.

Who we are: ASAN is a farmer-centered organization welcoming all who wish to implement, expand, and support sustainable agricultural practices in the state of Alabama. We prioritize the perspectives of BIPOC, women, LGBTQ+, and other underrepresented farmers who root their livelihoods in sustainable agriculture. To move forward successfully, we partner with consumers, advocates, and other organizations committed to supporting the Alabama food system, sustainability, and environmental justice.

We define sustainable agriculture as a balanced web of intergenerational relationships that produce food and fiber in a way that is ecologically regenerative, equitable, and economically viable, allowing the land and those who work the land to thrive.

Our core values:

  • Equity: We promote access to opportunities that build a just and fair food system for all.
  • Right-relationship: We embrace the ongoing processes of aligning our thoughts and actions in service to kindness and care for ourselves, each other, and the land.
  • Thriving community: We aim for an existence where all individuals and living beings can prosper, flourish, and exist in harmony with one another. We believe we all have an active role in shaping these communities.
  • Transformation: We welcome all who strive to grow and change to improve themselves and the systems we exist within.